In these sickeningly heady days of Intel Core 2 Duo this and Barack Obama that, the 1.33GHz 14" iBook is still a decent performer at a decent price. Still fairly small (weighing in at just over 2.5kg) but big enough to sport a 14" screen, this particular iBook will cope with almost anything, even being able to cope with editing and playback of h.264 video. It is blessed with FireWire and two USB 2 ports, so can be easily hooked up to anything you like, unlike the new crop of MacBooks (that's right folks, no FireWire for you!). The iBook is so versatile, in fact, that it is not only happy to run either Tiger or Leopard (provided you shove in enough RAM) it even comes standard with Airport Extreme and an internal dial up modem! Finally, it is blessed with a 60GB hard drive, so you have enough room to put all that you need on there without having to pick and choose what to keep in and what to chuck out. Good value all around.
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!] |